
Working Papers

Food Transfers and Child Nutrition: Evidence from India's Public Distribution System  (with Ben Crost and Kathy Baylis)  [Ungated version] 

(forthcoming, American Economic Journal : Applied Economics)

Risk pooling and precuationary savings in village economies  (with Marcel Fafchamps)

[NBER Working paper


The importance of wage loss in the financial burden of illness: Longitudinal evidence from India (with Suhani Jalota, Aprajit Mahajan and Grant Miller)

Social Science and Medicine (Jan 2023) 

Testing Efficient Risk Sharing with Heterogeneous Risk Preferences: Comment (with Marcel Fafchamps)

American Economic Review (Oct 2018): Vol. 108. No. 10. 

Price Transmission, Asymmetric Adjustment and Threshold Effects in the Cotton Supply Chain: A Case Study for Vidarbha, India (with Miguel Gómez)

Agricultural Economics (May 2016). Vol 47. Issue 4. 

Farm Production Diversity is Associated with Greater Household Dietary Diversity in Malawi: Findings from Nationally Representative Data (with Andrew Jones and Rachel Bezner-Kerr)

Food Policy (June 2014) Vol 46.